Jul 6, 2017
Music in the City is an initiative in which youngsters from disadvantaged areas in cities make music together. For fun and inspiration, to connect people across the world, and as an entrance to improve the physical environment in their neighbourhoods. I took the...
Jun 15, 2016
Role: Chairman / facilitator of the conference Europees project EMOVE: In the project “Estuaries on the MOVE” (EMOVE), four partners from four different North Sea Region countries (The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Sweden) work together to provide insight on what...
Jun 15, 2016
Over the past years the European Pro-Tide programme has been working in pilot schemes on testing tidal energy technologies, investigating low eco impact, finding go to market solutions and developing public private partnerships. The final conference in Dover will wrap...
Jun 15, 2016
Role: Team leader, organizational development consultant. For: Antea Group (then called Oranjewoud Consultants). Beneficiary: Agency of Environment and Forestry, Ministry of Environment, Albania Period: 2005 – 2009 Donor: Embassy of the Kingdom of The...
Feb 10, 2015
2010 – date: Chair of Membership Council of Amnesty International...